
I am a Quantum Software Engineer focusing on compilers at Quantum Circuits, Inc.. Specifically, I am focused on back-end compiler development targeting Quantum Circuits QPUs. Previously, I was a Research Scientist in the Architectures and Performance Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and I held a Visiting Research Scientist appointment in the CSE department at Washington University in St. Louis.

My research focus is on all things heterogeneous computing. In my career, I’ve contributed to heterogeneous hardware solutions for 5G applications, high level synthesis performance portability for FPGAs, tightly-integrated GPU-FPGA systems research, LLVM front-end for Fortran (Flang), and quantum MLIR compiler development.

I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, where I was advised by Roger Chamberlain in the Stream Based Supercomputing Lab. My dissertation focused on domain specific computing. Specifically, I leveraged FPGAs using high level synthesis as a means to architect hardware for the domain of data integration.

In general, my research interests include heterogeneous systems, hardware accelerators, compilers, high level synthesis, high performance computing, computer architecture, and quantum computing.


cabreraam AT ieee DOT org